Learning Outcomes 5 & 6

With practice throughout high school as well as ENG 110, I was able to achieve both learning outcomes 5 & 6 that can be shown in my writing. I have been able to successfully incorporate my quotes using MLA format and proper citing, in which I used the book “They Say I Say” once again to aid in the process. The book gave examples and ways to incorporate quotes and important tips. I was able to determine the best way to introduce a quote such as introducing what an author said, or by establishing why your claim matters with a proper introduction. I believe that I have mastered this learning outcome skill, as I am able to properly incorporate a quote into a paragraph and have the paragraph structured in an effective manner. Below is an example of a quote that I properly introduced and cited, from my final significant writing prompt.

The question Kaphar has, “What is the impact of these kinds of sculptures at museums, of these kinds of paintings on some of our most vulnerable in society..?” (TED 1.06), leaves the reader thinking about how art is really viewed and appreciated.

In that one sentence, I was able to introduce the question that the author had, as well as elaborate on the feeling it leaves on the reader.