Blog #12

After watching most of the Art presentations in the class, one that struck out to me and connected to me a lot was Olivia’s presentation. I loved the approach she addressed art from, relating art to the hospital and sick kids. It was really touching to understand her perspective on art and how she had a personal experience with a friend of her’s being ill. It was interesting how she saw art in the hospital, on walls. I did see art from a different perspective when I was looking at the murals, they are colorful and happy. If I were a child that was in the hospital sick, I would enjoy seeing those murals. These murals are a way to distract the children from the pain they are in, allowing them to feel happy inside. I think this a great escape for the children. If art didn’t continue to exist and be recognized, children couldn’t experience this. Art I believe should be recognized in a variety of places, and I think that it was awesome to see a hospital using the power of imagination and skill to design murals for these children. I loved how she set up her presentation with images of her and her friend that was sick, as well as actual pictures of the murals themselves. I took great attention to the detail and abstract that these murals had. I think overall Liv did a great job with her art project, showing a different perspective that art can bring to people.

Link to Olivia’s presentation:

My Personal Experience With Art

One thought on “Blog #12

  1. Your comments bring me back to when I was a kid, and how I was so much more open to experiencing my environment. I like how both of your presentations discussed art in public spaces. I feel like the gallery experience can sometimes change how people perceive art–and not necessarily in a positive way. 3/3

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